What is a good friend?

"A little violence also hurts"

2018 started the tour "What is a good friend?

Since then has over 7 000 students (7-15 years) in classroom environment created countless of performances with interactive form theatre against bullying, threats and violence.

Why do the students like Interactive Form Theatre?

The main reason is that they develop and create a story together, sharing thoughts, experiences, having different perspective about what bullying is.

But above all, they become directors from beginning to end.

 What is Interactive Form Theatre?

The form theatre performances is created by the audience using four pillars. An educational way to reach and enhance the audience's knowledge and innovative capability. 

IFT's value based pedagogy must always include both students reflection and activity.

The essence is that the audience is active and have a decisive role in the performance.

Theatre Against Bullying
Theatre Against Bullying