EU Training Courses
A five day EU training course with "CPTP" Cultural Pedagogical Triangle Process include Interactive Form Theatre, Interactive Design Theatre and Interactive Script-Writing. These pedagogical tools encourage the target group/s to have a right to decide, have an opinion, a solution, participate in discussion/s, sharing thoughts, asking questions etc. People learn in different way/s that are most of the times connected to their own background, therefore the CPTP is used to make a wider range of understanding both within and outside the society.
CPTP can be implemented in every social subject such as: Labor market, bullying, language learning, the elderly situation, racism, autism, social inclusion etc
Follow up;
A follow-up is required to receive a diploma/certification to perform CPTP in the original state as it has been founded upon
Target groups;
Social and health workers, directors, headmaster, psychologists, actors, teachers, Ceo`s, theatre directors, Ngo employee's, students etc
Contact us if you want to know more about our Eu training courses or want to cooperate