How to be a good friend?
"A little violence also hurts"
"We have had three wonderful people from the TP-Theatre.
All the classes of students they visited were very pleased with the theater that the students and the actors did together.
The students really felt that they had been able to participate in a good way where they had to decide a lot."
Students & Teachers
The students are directors
"Very well received, the students thought that it was fun to be a part of it and create the synopsis.
To write the story, to be a part of the play even during the play and to be able to influence the outcomes.
The students were really surprised how the actors successfully met and acted out their suggestions."
Students & Teachers
Democratic work
"We teachers also thought this was a very good way to work.
It was a democratic way of working.
We have already been able to make use of the different characteristics of the different characters in the daily conflict management.
Now we got another tool to use."